
Quran surah

Quran surah                              Quran surah Al Furqan 25:59ask a baakhabar about the way to achieve that supreme God Kabir.                         Baakhabar sant rampal ji maharaj For more information see

jesus quotes

Myth: JESusis God Jesus was a prophet with some supernatural powers sent by Kaal Brahm on this earth.  He was sent from Vishnu Lok (Kabir Sagar, Mohammad Bodh, Jabroot, Mokam 3).      


True guru First of all lets know the meaning of Guru. "A guru is one who opinions you admire and respect and whose ideas you follow." Lets us know the meaning of Satguru. "A satguru is one who shed us from the cycle of birth and death."shows the right way of worship and the characteristics of ac complete satguru is he himself does the worship of God and there is no difference in his action and speech.                           Only he is a complete satguru who gives naam in three stages and tells the method of sumiran with breathe. Only then the salvation of a living being is possible.               It is also written in Yajurved Adhyay 19 Mantra 25, 26 that a True Guru will elaborate the incomplete sentence of the Vedas. That True Guru Is Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. Take initiation from the true guru sant rampal ji maharaj.

Srimad Bhagavad Gita

   Srimad Bhagavad Gita                                                       Srimad Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 2, Shlok 17   Avinashi tu tadviddhi yena sarvam idam tatam vināsham  avyayasyāsya na kashchit kartum arhati                Bhagavad Gita kaal god is saying that Arjun we are all in the cycle of life - death.  Consider only that God (Purna Brahm) as immortal / eternal by whom all these brahmands have been organised.           For more information, see Sadhana TV channel 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Stop eating meat

STOP EATING MEAT Eating meat is a henious sin one should never eat meat. we are killing innocent animal for the taste of our tongue but we forget that if someone will kill us like we kill animal than what will happen.we are not thinking abou all these. animals also have a heart.                                   Eat meat   they also have a feelings. if someone will hurt our child we will go and  fight with that person because we feel sad for our children. so why should we forget that in these earth we all are children of that supreme God and if we are hurting any creature we are hurting our God. one incurs a grave sin by killing animal. God has laid down the rule that all human beings should be vegetarian.  God gets angry with those who kill animal for the taste of their tongue.  allah did not command to Kill animal.               ...

Stories of Jagannath

Stories of Jagannath To stop the velocity of the sea and get constructed the Jagannath temple  by the Lord Kabir Saheb                 More information Must watch Sadhana TV at 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm

कबीर साहेब की लीलाएं

कबीर साहेब द्वारा की गई लीला आज हम आपको कबीर साहेब जी ने किन-किन को शरण में लिए हैं उनके  बारे में बताएँगे । कबीर साहेब लगभग आज से 600 साल पहले इस धरती पर आये और बहुत सी पुण्यात्माओं को अपनी शरण में करके चले गए। कबीर साहेब के शिष्यों का जिक्र कबीर सागर में भी मिलता है। कबीर साहेब के 64 लाख शिष्य को अपनी शरण में लिए थे, यह आपने आप में एक बहुत बड़ी बात है। तो चलिए आज हम आपको कबीर साहेब ने क्या-क्या  लीलाएं की उनके  बारे में बताते हैं।                                                          संत गरीबदास जी को शरण में लेना                                                आदरणीय गरीब दास साहेब ...