Stop eating meat


Eating meat is a henious sin one should never eat meat. we are killing innocent animal for the taste of our tongue but we forget that if someone will kill us like we kill animal than what will happen.we are not thinking abou all these. animals also have a heart.

Eat meat

  they also have a feelings. if someone will hurt our child we will go and  fight with that person because we feel sad for our children. so why should we forget that in these earth we all are children of that supreme God and if we are hurting any creature we are hurting our God. one incurs a grave sin by killing animal. God has laid down the rule that all human beings should be vegetarian.  God gets angry with those who kill animal for the taste of their tongue.  allah did not command to Kill animal.
Eat meat
Stop killing animals

even prophet mohammad never ate meat. Nabi Mohammad is respectable. Who was called the incarnation of God .  His 1.80lakh followers never consumed meat. BIBLE GENESIS 1:29 - God said , " I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it . They will be yours for food.  God gave us seed bearing plants to eat.

     For more information, see Sadhana TV channel 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm


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